Performance 100 data and graphics will be used in SoccerNurds articles to aid their quality.

Performance 100 has agreed a partnership with the SoccerNurds website, sharing various graphics to improve the standard of their articles. produces stat-based stories and analysis, as well as their own info-graphics, charts and videos, focused on Liga MX and the Mexico national team.
“I've been working with the team at SoccerNurds for around a year now, and I'm very excited to be partnered with them as their website is launched”.
Tom Harrison- Performance 100 Creator
Multiple writers will use Performance 100 data for their articles on, including Tom Harrison himself, so be sure to follow them on twitter @soccernurds to keep up to date with new pieces.
If you have a website, blog or produce videos, and would like to partner with Performance 100, feel free to get in touch either on twitter (@Performance_100) or email